Sunday, May 10, 2009

Im just sick of reading stupid comments about Adam

After obsessively going through comments on news articles on the web I decided to make this blog because they make me sick to my stomach. Every few days I will write an article discussing the reasons boneheaded people give on the comment board about why he should not win. I respect your opinion (ignore the boneheaded comment xC;) but these are the reasons that I have against them.
These are some of the reasons I have seen which make me want to punch the ones who say them:
-he screeches/wails, always does so at the end of a song
-too professional to be in the competition
-unoriginal (wtf??)
-a one-trick pony
-all his performance sound the same, does only one of two things each week
-not marketable
-needs to NOT win to have success (like Daughtry)
-he's gay I dont want him as a role model for my child


For me this is one of the stupidest reasons. Because all he is doing is reminding people of his huge range when he sings in his falsetto at perfect pitch, what Danny Gokey did on rock was a scream people, you can tell the difference cant you? Most males can do as much as Adam can with his falsetto, on pitch. Also Danny Gokey, instead of doing a glory note like Adam growls throughout the whole song. Personally I find his growl more annoying than Adams glory note. And it wouldnt be Adam without a glory note, as many articles have said, just like it wouldnt be Gokey without a growl and bad dance moves but I digress. Many vocal professionals agree that Adam is not 'screaming' but using something called passagio, this is a technique which is hard to master. Because it involves going from low to high very fast without a 'popping' noise, which Adam does as you can see, well hear. Now I dont pretend to be a vocal professional so my explanation is probably pretty horrible so you should search around and find a good article on this technique before flaming me. Adams glory note is one of the things that shows people its a glambert performance, if he doesnt do it the judges will most likely tell him something about not putting his own spin on a song but maybe they wont, Im not sure if he's willing to test it. Personally I think that on this night when he sings two songs, one of them should be a ballad, which he can sing without his falsetto or glory note, show of his lower ranges. Which anybody who has been on youtube lately, and heard some of the other songs he has sung, will agree that his lower range is quite beautiful.

Too professional

When I hear people saying this I always think that they are just saying it because they feel he is too good to be in American Idol. But the rules only say that you cant have a contract when you audition, and some other rules which I dont know of. He has been in many plays and things, gaining experience and a fan club, but past idol contestants like David Cook had a CD out before they auditioned. Adam did not. I could talk about this all day but it is truly just a silly reason, move on people.


This is truly one of the silliest reasons I have seen. Every performance (except for his Led Zep performance) was pretty much completely original and Adam. Kris doesnt change the arrangement nearly as much as Adam, just search the songs.

Okay now i shall give some reasons to vote for Adam, Ill go back to that list later.
-Mad World
-Simon said it was probably his favourite performance of all 8 seasons
-Apparently some websites which had his mad world performance on them experienced overload, even google apparently got a little bit messed with people searching mad world
-only time Simon ever gave a standing o to a contestant on idol, DURING the competition
-the people who wrote the song and Gary Jules (who changed it) said Adams version was Amazing
-no radio appeal? That song was on radios INTERNATIONALLY repeatedly
-his pitch problems the judges seem completely ignorant of
-his ego made him try to overshadow and overshine Kris in their duet which Kris seemed p.o.ed about, Adam toned down his voice for Allison, and Allison said that their duet was the most fun she had had on the idol stage. And that hug and Adam saying 'i hope so' just showed that he really cares about Allison and wants her to stay
-on rock night-Gokey tried to copy Adam's playing with the band (fail), making eye contact with the camera (he looked sleepy lol) moving around (epic fail), thanking the band (i didnt even see this, if it was his move that made him look like an orchestra man then that was...just....weird....o.o). Also that screech, please give me some ear medecine, it was horrible e.e
-Gokey admitted to getting inspiration from a fellow contestant and that he'd rather not say who (Adam)

-Random reasons
-Adam cried harder than Alli did when she was eliminated (total sweetheart)
-Smokey Robinson gave him a standing O
-Slash liked Adam and complimented his 'pipes', and 'First off, Led Zeppelin is legendary for either refusing to license out their music or charging such a high quote that nobody (even their pal Cameron Crowe) can afford much of it. So either "Idol" isn't nearly as cheap with its music licensing budget as we all assume, or else the guys from Zeppelin really, really like Adam Lambert and dropped their quote for him. '

I like Allison too and miss her :c an Adam/Allison finale would have been awesome!!! But I think that a Kris/Adam finale would be pretty cool ^^
So all you Allison fans should vote-split your votes for Adam and Kris to get rid of Gokey.
Put the GO in GOkey